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Pursuing an education costs money. There are different types of expenses you will need to cover in order to follow the program at Bit Academy. To give you a clear understanding of what these costs are, we’ve listed them for you.


The Bit Academy’s Bachelor of Science is a private education, which means that there is no contribution from the government for your study.

Because of this, there are three main cost area’s that you have to be aware of:

You can choose to pay the tuition costs yourself, but in most cases your employer can sponsor you.

If you need any help discussing this with your employer, please let us know.

If you pay for the tuition yourself, you might be entitled to a supplementary grant from DUO. You can find more information about that here: https://duo.nl/particulier/supplementary-grant

Tuition per year
Part-time €7.500,-
Full-time To be determined

Laptops that meet the specifications generally cost between €1.000,- and €1.500,-.

Operating system Windows 11, MacOS or Linux
Memory 16GB
Storage 256GB (preferably 512GB)