<aside> 💡 When you’re presented with a problem, do you rise to the challenge and use the can-do approach? Or, do you crawl under the table like a no-can-do person, hoping it will just go away?


Habit 1: Be Proactive explains that when you are proactive, you not only take responsibility for your actions, but you also adopt a can-do attitude. If you have a can-do attitude, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

A can-do person is courageous, persistent, creative, and resourceful. A no-can-do person is apprehensive, indifferent, negative, and somewhat of a worrywart.


  1. Read the Can -Do section on pages
  1. Write down how a can-do person and a no-can-do person would approach this goal.
Can-Do Approach to this Goal No-Can-Do Approach to this Goal